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Image by Carlos Muza

Premium Marketing and BCI Lists

Tested and Proven Singapore Telemarketing and Business Databases

Increasing Sales and Marketing KPI for SME and Micro Business clients since 2011

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Our Marketing Lists

Tested and proven business databases for B2B and B2C Marketing.

We’ve been helping businesses increase their KPI and revenue via sales prospecting lists since 2009. The times may have changed, but our database results hasn't. We’re driven by technology and innovation to ensure we fulfill our key mission of helping our clients increase their sales results and KPI rates. Get in touch so that we can kickstart your branding and business today.

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What We Do

There’s no formula for success. No matter the company size, every company is unique and requires round-the-clock attention from industry-experts to deliver content that will connect them to their audience — that’s where we come in.

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About the database and marketing lists and our competitive pricing.


Package A) $1200 (DNC check is mandatory for the buyer and user) Over

70% call thru or text-thru rates typically.

For Package B) $1500 (No DNC
or PDPA issue) Unsub Applies. 3% to 5% opens ∕ 13% to 20% bounce

maximally (includes filter bounces) B2C emails : UNSUB applies ( non-personal addressing of recipient rule applies )

$1000 upfront / remaining amount over 4 to 6 weeks. ( Applicable to Purchase of Both Package A & B Together ) Non-Separable**
Timeline negotiable for interested and genuine buyers.

Official Invoicing /Receipt issuance and terms with every purchase provided ( Business Database ONLY Section _) ( B2B Data Disclaimer/Exemption ) 

Are business-to-business marketing calls or messages covered under the DNC Registry?

business-to-business (B2B) marketing call, SMS/MMS or fax message (B2B

marketing message) refers to a marketing message which is sent to an

organisation, for any purpose of the receiving organisation.B2B marketing messages are not within the scope of the DNC Registry. The
PDPC recognises that B2B marketing calls or messages may be essential

to the day-to-day operations between businesses and note that most

consumers will not be affected by B2B marketing messages that are sent

to organisations.

If both are acquired: $1800 with a

post-purchase bonus (1 Overseas Email and Telemarketing Database of your

Instalment payment with an upfront of $1000 payment plan available with the remaining payments sectioned over 5 weeks.

More than a just a business dealing in itself, we also seek to ensure the well being of our buyers when using the databases for boosting their revenue and campaign efficacy.

Regional Countries Telemarketing and Email Database available in over 40

Countries. Contact for rates.

PM with your contact to inquire.

Rates are mildly negotiable

for a fast deal. Email to to inquire or PM along with your contact and we

can nego.

Kindly Refrain from absurd offers as we value each others time and business windows of opportunities. 

Get in Touch
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Utility Reference For Marketing Lists

We Do It Right

Are emails and mail delivered by post covered under the DNC Registry?

DNC Registry covers marketing messages sent to Singapore telephone

numbers. Emails and mail delivered by post are not included within the

scope of the DNC Registry.

Emails are not included within the

scope of the DNC Registry as unsolicited emails can be blocked through

email filters. They also cause less of a nuisance to delete when

received, as compared to telephone calls, SMS and fax messages, which

are more difficult for the individual to filter. Furthermore, the Spam

Control Act (SCA) helps to complete the framework by setting out

requirements in relation to the sending of unsolicited commercial

electronic messages in bulk.

As for junk mail, there are existing ways for individuals to reduce the

volume of such mail, such as through the use of letterboxes with

anti-junk mail features. Junk mail may also be less of a nuisance than

telephone calls, SMS or MMS messages, or faxes, which are more likely to
inconvenience an individual or interrupt his activities.

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Business Marketing Lists 2020

Results You’ll Expect

results with Banking/ Credit, financial and insurance brokerage,

Consumer / Property related products and services. Especially for Call

Centers. Used and marketed by reputable call centers, asset management, iso-certified & Enterprise 500 local marketing agencies to run campaigns for reputable Banking / Credit, financial and insurance brokerage,

Consumer / Property related products and service providers/ launches.

(Dozens of Appointments and Deals for SPAs, Insurance Brokers, Realtors!!)

A) Revised updated 160000 Telemarketing Databases for Insurance, Realty, Financial

Service providers.

B) Over 350000 combined B2B & B2C Email Databases for ALL businesses with a

website or caters to a B2B or B2C audience.

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